Re: AGENGA & REVIEWS - AGWG Meeting August 27th 2024

Resolution to move WCAG 3 Requirements updates<> to CFC (Please respond to the resolution on GitHub<> with a thumbs down if you disagree.

From: Bruce Bailey <>
Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 12:41 PM
To: WCAG <>
Subject: RE: AGENGA & REVIEWS - AGWG Meeting August 27th 2024
Resent-From: WCAG <>
Resent-Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 12:39 PM

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Minutes available at:<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!YP0gOeUKsxWJnLWs1w6pAWZEfP6O-Kbfg6x-Oxy3kkc4-sDPPzrQ4Ky0U4SsaAUt9Sq6E4EPTtrHVvpU9xczf2272A$>

From: Bradley Montgomery, Rachael L <>
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2024 3:26 PM
Subject: AGENGA & REVIEWS - AGWG Meeting August 27th 2024

The AGWG will be meeting on Tuesday, 27th August  2024 at 11.00 AM Eastern US (Length: up to 2 hours).


  *   Subgroup check-in [10 minute]
  *   WCAG 3 Requirements updates (if needed)
  *   Focus Appearance draft outcome
  *   Assertions template
  *   How to document “sufficient” coverage? (tentative)
Please reply with regrets to<> (only) if you would normally attend this meeting.

To connect to the meeting:<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!YP0gOeUKsxWJnLWs1w6pAWZEfP6O-Kbfg6x-Oxy3kkc4-sDPPzrQ4Ky0U4SsaAUt9Sq6E4EPTtrHVvpU9xdzDrSeyw$>

IRC:<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!YP0gOeUKsxWJnLWs1w6pAWZEfP6O-Kbfg6x-Oxy3kkc4-sDPPzrQ4Ky0U4SsaAUt9Sq6E4EPTtrHVvpU9xejnfryrg$> channel #ag
Scribe list:<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!YP0gOeUKsxWJnLWs1w6pAWZEfP6O-Kbfg6x-Oxy3kkc4-sDPPzrQ4Ky0U4SsaAUt9Sq6E4EPTtrHVvpU9xdXOMvv8A$>

Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 16:59:16 UTC