REVIEWS and AGENDA - AGWG Meeting May 21st 2024 + Link to WCAG2ICT review issue

For the WCAG2ICT review, we are providing a single link that you can use to review all the issues, as well as provide any comments on the overall document.  Please use the following link:  AG WG Review: WCAG2ICT editor's draft * Issue #372 * w3c/wcag2ict (<>

Thank you,
Charles Adams

From: Alastair Campbell <>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2024 4:31 AM
To: WCAG list ( <>
Subject: [External] : REVIEWS and AGENDA - AGWG Meeting May 21st 2024

The AGWG will be meeting on Tuesday, 21st May 2024 at 11.00 AM Eastern US (Length: up to 2 hours).


  *   WCAG2ICT Review Discussion<*20Review__;JQ!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkbZsNUMvw$>
  *   Text alternatives update<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkaNWsQ2bQ$>
     *   This update focused on the new content at the top: The outcome, tree and embedded methods.
     *   The presentation could be changed (e.g. show/hide for the method lists), but does the concept of the structure work?
     *   How should assertions fit in?
     *   The references to the test-procedure have been removed but assume they would be part of the method documentation.
  *   WCAG 2 issues<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkZB8U7xxA$>

Please reply with regrets to<> (only) if you would normally attend this meeting.

To connect to the meeting:

Meeting call-in and zoom information is at this non-public page:<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkZK7K3vkg$>

IRC:<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkZTdui_AA$> channel #ag

Scribe list:<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkYtaWe_7w$>

Kind regards,



@alastc /<;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!IQQsCdiDnpDf9yeohOXPVLbMdUm0tVdf2MnW6-TmIFY5immtrjn-ARjfFOKGEc9wRLMrQmYPVUhTIkagiAh1MA$>

Received on Friday, 17 May 2024 18:02:56 UTC