Re: Target size updates

Hi Detlev,

That part was “notes” from our discussion, the document and the PR had the proposed text:

“Inline: The target is in a sentence, or the size of the target is otherwise constrained by the line-height of non-target text;”

In the discussion we noted that anything which is constrained (to under 24px) would be excepted, even if it is smaller than the available line-height. (E.g. the reference links in Wikipedia that are superscript).

I don’t think we discussed the reverse, which is that if the target can get to 24px without impacting the line-height, it wouldn’t be excepted as it is not constrained.



From: Detlev Fischer <>
Date: Tuesday, 20 December 2022 at 12:23
To: <>
Subject: Re: Target size updates
I have trouble understanding this part of the inline exception:

  *   “constrained by” does not mean a link has to be the maximum size of the line-height, it means that the line-height has to be less than 24px.
I.e. an 8px high link (such as a superscript text-link) is excepted if the line height is under 24px. it doesn’t have to be the height of the line-height.
...especially the bit "the line-height has to be less than 24px." This sounds weird because it could make people wonder whether there is a rule that inline text line height must be less than 24px. And clearly, if someone is using larger text sizes / line heights in body text, that is no problem at all.


Detlev Fischer


(Testkreis is now part of DIAS GmbH)

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Received on Tuesday, 20 December 2022 13:46:43 UTC