RE: Non-text contrast - focus indicators

Thanks Alastair, this would clear up some aspects of the matter although I have additional points that we should consider clarifying.

The proposal states "If the focus indicator changes the outer layer of the component, the visible border, would count as adjacent to the outside of the component, and should create or maintain contrast with the background of the component."

I'd like to propose that in this case of the border changing that the color needs to have sufficient contrast with either the adjacent control background or page background but not both.  This would allow for more flexibility than the proposal above which requires contrast with the page background when contrast with the component itself might be sufficient.

Also in the example of the yellow outset focus indicator - the yellow does have contrast with the black border yet fails.
Figure X: The external yellow indicator (#FFFF00) does not contrast with the white background (#FFF) which the component is on, failing the criteria.
It seems like this could pass as there is adjacent contrast with the border.

If there was an inset indicator that touched both the border that is black and inner control background that is blue - which one would we require comparison with?

I think the simplest solution for all of these situations is to say that you have to contrast with 1 adjacent area and you can choose which area it is.


From: Alastair Campbell <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 3:03 PM
To: WCAG list ( <>
Subject: Non-text contrast - focus indicators

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Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago we discussed how Non-Text Contrast is applied to internal focus indicators.

A few of us (me, MichaelG, JuanitaG) took the action to update the understanding document to reflect that. However, we hit a problem: It is logically difficult (impossible?) to align it with other examples in the document.

So I've created a proposal to try and align the focus-examples with other states, which also aligns with the external (outside the group) view on how it should be applied.

I've used a google doc so I can embed images more easily:<>

Comments (in the doc or here) welcome before it goes to survey.

Kind regards,



@alastc /<>

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2021 20:24:17 UTC