Payment providers

Hi everyone,

We have an interesting question for redundant entry, in a scenario where you (the user) get sent to a separate site for payment. The payment provider is also going to need the name/address information that may have already been provided.

However, because it separates in to two sites, the term "user-session" could make that scenario out of scope.

I put in a summary here:

Does anyone have a contact at a payment provider that could answer a question like:
"Is it feasible for your customers to provide information such as name and address so that it does not have to be entered again?"

If the answer to that question is no, then it is probably best to keep in the 'session' term and use it to exclude that scenario.

Kind regards,



@alastc /<>

Received on Thursday, 12 August 2021 14:21:01 UTC