Re: CFC - Target Size (Min)

On 17/03/2021 21:42, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> So the center of the 24x24 exclusion zone must be within the 
> target...would it work with that extra caveat?

Mulling this over further, this would end up allowing tighter proximity 
than what the current idea seems to be, but if the actual concern is a 
user needs to be able to have an area of at least 24x24 to comfortably 
tap/click where they are either activating their desired target or at 
worst tap/click on something inert (which is a different proposition 
from the actual target sizing that seems to imply that we actually do 
want an actual active size of 24x24), then I think it would make more 
logical sense (particularly considering that the centre of this 24x24 
area is what the user agent would, without accommodation/heuristics, 
count as a tap on a touchscreen.

To me, this shows the weird duality of this SC again, trying to do two 
things at once. On the one hand, saying what the minimum target size 
should be, and then immediately exempting targets from that minimum size 
if there's sufficient clearance+some smaller than minimum target size. 
Taking clearance into consideration suggests this is concerned primarily 
about not activating the *wrong* control by accident (as it was too 
close), while the actual minimum target size seems to want a comfortable 
"landing area" that's big enough to comfortably press/click the target 
itself. I think this weird duality is, as mentioned before, what is 
really confusing and trying to square this circle in a single normative 
SC is leading to these weird geometric acrobatics.

I'd say we should pick an actual desired outcome of either:

1) user has a sufficiently large target that they can always confidently 
hit/activate (suggesting we always want a minimum size); or
2) each target has at least a minimum sized exclusion/exclusive area 
that, if the user taps anywhere within that, they may or may not manage 
to hit that target but at least they won't run the risk of activating 
some other target.

Currently, the SC weakly tries to say it's about 1) (providing a large 
enough target), but then immediately concedes that 2) is good enough 
(well, it can be smaller, but just make sure you can't accidentally 
activate something else). This weakens the whole premise. Perhaps 
turning this around and making the SC primarily about 2), but then 
suggesting in understanding that of course the best way to achieve 2) is 
to just make sure your targets are bigger than this "so you don't 
accidentally hit something else" space and giving them an actual target 
size of at least 24x24?

In short, it's a -1 from me.

The fact that the SC is indeed trying to do two slightly different 
things, in an awkwardly worded way, will just make it confusing. It 
seems to have an identity crisis of what it is trying to achieve.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 22:53:26 UTC