Additional changes to approved ACT rules

Hey folks,

The ACT Task Force is ready to publish the next batch of ACT rules. These
were discussed and agreed on during the AGWG call of September 28th. I have
set up a pull request ( and
a preview (
if anyone would like to have a quick look in advance of publishing.

Whilst implementing the changes suggested in the AG meeting, these small
updates were also identified:

1. a definition was renamed from "primary language subtag" to "primary
language tag"
2. a note was moved in the xml-lang match rule to the background
3. an assumption was added to the xml-lang match rule.
4. for consistency, the image-button rule had the pharse "non-empty" added
to it in the title

As these are information resources they will be published shortly based on
the agreement in the meeting. If you spot anything to updated please do
open an issue in github:

*Wilco Fiers*
Axe-core product owner - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair ACT-R

Join me at axe-con <> 2021: a free digital
accessibility conference.

Received on Tuesday, 13 October 2020 09:14:51 UTC