Re: Essential Controls

On 19/07/2019 11:56, Steve Lee wrote:
> Indeed we can't say scrolling isn't allowed. To some extent I see this 
> SC is taking a complex design trade-off that designers already make and 
> saying it is critical to avoid being a barrier to people with cognitive 
> disabilities, not just an inconvenience. That design trade-off is that 
> any at any viewport size, zoom or magnification level the important 
> controls should be easy to locate. that means are ideally immediately 
> obvious, or less desirably can be found without random exploration. 
> However, scrolling or expansion will be required sometimes, that's life.

Yes, because otherwise we're coming very close to the "above the 
fold"/"there IS no fold" discussion that was had in web 
design/development circles all the way back to...oh....2007 and earlier

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Friday, 19 July 2019 11:01:04 UTC