1.4.13 Hover/Focus, Dismissible, mechanism meeting AA

Looking for pop-up examples to test out 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus, I am wondering about the way Wikipedia offers non-modal pop-ups when hovering over, or keyboard focussing, cross-reference links in articles.
These pop-ups seem to meet the Hoverable and the Persistent requirements of 1.4.13 but I wonder about the first, Dismissible. There is a mechanism in the popup, via the cog icon, but the content of the popup (and therefore, the mechanism) is not keyboard-accessible, failing the requirement that the mechanism should meet the chosen WCAG conformance level. An alternative mechanism, ESC, is not implemented. I can, however, just follow the link in focus and go to the article from which the pop-up content is lifted.  I guess not that would that qualify as a mechanism for Dismissal of the pop-up since the original content is gone.
Is this a failure of 1.4.13? Would the Wikipedia pop-ups pass if ESC (in fact, a different, complementary mechanism) was implemented to close the current pop-up, in addition to the mouse-only mechanism inside the pop-ups? Would content pass if there was also an option buried somewhere in the Wikipedia settings to turn off the pop-ups (I have not found any so far)?
Not sure if it is worthwhile to create a Github issue for this… I guess a Technique should spell out the conditions when Dismissible is met.


Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2018 19:52:44 UTC