RE: Firefox Accessibility Inspector reports placeholder attribute as eligible for accessible name

I’d like to know more about this WCAG requirement for visible labels…

I know that there is requirement for programmatically determinable labels, but not sure there is consensus that visible labels for inputs are specifically required as part of what is explicitly stated in WCAG.


From: Andrew Kirkpatrick []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 9:34 AM
To: Schnabel, Stefan <>; Patrick H. Lauke <>
Subject: Re: Firefox Accessibility Inspector reports placeholder attribute as eligible for accessible name

Should this be exposed by the browser to the accessibility API as "foo" or not, if there's nothing else giving the input a programmatic name?

It should. But it violates WCAG requirement for VISIBLE label for input, so it is an authoring error, too.

For the record, there isn’t enough information to say whether this is a violation of WCAG. This certainly meets 4.1.2 (Name Role Value) but there isn’t enough information to say whether it also meets 2.4.6 (Headings and labels).


Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2018 14:42:54 UTC