Pointer cancellation - added more nuanced stuff on "down event"


I have created a pull request for the pointer cancellation 
unsderstanding text on the understanding-cleanup branch, incorporating 
some stuff on the "down event".


This is what I have added:

"In contrast, the down-event can occur as soon as the pointer is pressed 
inside a target. Whether this actually happens can depend on the 
operating system, the user agent, and the mode of input. For example, 
the mousedown event will lead to a down-event in desktop operating 
systems when using mouse input, but will be ignored when using touch 
input in the same setting. Mousedown is currently ignored in mobile 
operating systems, but the down-event may be triggered here by the 
touchstart event, which (as the name suggests) is triggered by touch, 
but ignored when the same control is activated via mouse or trackpad input."

Look at it in contexct of the understanding text:


I trust that people more knowledgable than I regaring event handling 
across devices will weigh in here and correct mistakes if there are any 



Detlev Fischer PhD
DIAS GmbH - Daten, Informationssysteme und Analysen im Sozialen
Geschäftsführung: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp

Telefon: +49-40-43 18 75-25
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E-Mail: fischer@dias.de

Anschrift: Haubachstr. 72, D-22765 Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 58 167
Geschäftsführer: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp

Detlev Fischer
Werderstr. 34, 20144 Hamburg

Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45

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