viewport/browser window size does not imply presence/lack of touch input...

On 16/01/2018 18:12, Michael Gower wrote:
> 1. Proposals for 1.3.4

 From the minutes, I see that the old idea that viewport/browser window 
size can be used as a proxy for determining whether or not a touch input 
is present or not.

This is a rough generalisation. There are large laptop/desktop-size 
touch displays.

If we're already talking about using CSS, a more appropriate media query 
(other than viewport width) would be CSS4 Interaction Media Queries. Or 
more generally, instead of excluding/exempting based on viewport size, 
exempting based on "unless no touchscreen or coarse pointer was 
detected" with appropriate techniques (CSS 4 Interaction MQs, JavaScript 
based approaches); also, there's always the option (mentioned many times 
before) of offering users an actual choice to switch between different 

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2018 19:08:20 UTC