RE: Hoverable condition for Content on Hover or Focus

Again, at least one person has found all previous iterations confusing, but you seemed to have gotten the point on the first try.  The intended requirement to a content author for this condition have been exactly the same since this was put into the draft.  I don't see what other way the language could be taken.

If this objection came earlier in the week before CFC, I'd be trying again, but changes are up to the editors at this point and I don't want to lose the more significant and important changes to the other conditions.

My suggestion to the editors would simply be to add the word "over" after hover (since most people don't use one without the other), so it would read: "..., then the pointer can be moved to hover over the additional content."  The advantage to saying it this way is that it makes the user method clearer.  If need be, we can reword for CR.


From: James Nurthen []
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Hoverable condition for Content on Hover or Focus

I don't think I can live with the language - I find it really confusing and don't think changes to something like that are editorial.



On 12/1/2017 10:19 AM, Repsher, Stephen J wrote:
Hi James,

I wanted to respond to your objection to the latest CFC language:
> The hoverable statement makes no sense and needs revising. I don't understand what "hover the additional content". Does it mean "The additional content remains visible while the pointer is over the additional content"?

Yes, that's exactly what it means.  A previous iteration said something similar to your suggestion and I cannot recall why it was changed at the moment, but coming up with a way to state this condition that no one finds confusing has been a bit of a challenge.  I did my best to explain this condition in detail in the draft Understanding<>, and there's also Example 2 to visually show the importance.  (Note I still need to update from Visible Trigger to Dismissable in the understanding, but the rest is applicable.)

Can you live with this knowing we can work on this editorially?

Steve Repsher
Twitter<> | LinkedIn<> | GitHub<>

Regards, James

James Nurthen | Principal Engineer, Accessibility
Phone: +1 650 506 6781<tel:+1%20650%20506%206781> | Mobile: +1 415 987 1918<tel:+1%20415%20987%201918> | Video:<>
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Received on Friday, 1 December 2017 20:53:23 UTC