Overview of current comments

Purpose of controls
546: conventional name not defined. Why calling out markup languages? Concerned about implementation issues.
538: lists are too prescriptive
486: conventional name not defined
466: concerned that techniques are not sufficiently available or supported
427: glossary lists inconsistent and poor quality (editorial)
426: The inclusion of specification-length glossary items is a blocker for IBM
416: helpful for PWD but concerned about testability. Internationalization issues also.
402: conventional name not defined
391: concerned about i18n and clarity overall
382: suggests adding search related conventional names
381: suggests including “log in” and “log out” in conventional names.
340: concern about defining items in a list

Contextual information
547: Is this vocabulary planned for ARIA? Difficult to test.
487: encourages title attribute use (1.3.4?)
432: need to define “publicly available vocabulary”
431: question about CI for symbols like “*”
430: people will confuse use of “region” with ARIA region
429: concern about overlap with 1.3.1 and 4.1.2 for reporting
428: concern about glossary def – “position in a process”, and “relationship to other objects and processes”
410: need to define “publicly available vocabulary”
399: Why at AAA instead of AA?
342: Concern about “publicly available vocabulary”
334: Concern about “publicly available vocabulary”

Zoom Content
548: key concept is reflow, not zoom. Prefers 400%. Perhaps should be blocks of text?
488: seems to require responsive design, will be costly to implement in older apps that are still being maintained.
467: Not realistic for complex applications to fit on a tiny screen.
434: Concern that this isn’t technology neutral.
433: SC wording is cumbersome to read and understand
415: Concerns about support in PDF.
414: Concerns about testing in PDF.
343: Implementability concerns
335: Concern that zooming isn’t always required and that was a core idea.

Graphics Contrast
549: Should be an exception for photos
534: Should exclude images of text. Question about “adjacent color”
533: What if there are other ways to get the same info?
525: Concern about images of text
523: What if the image is intended as a complement to textual information?
522: What about screenshots? An exception?
489: having 2 different ratios is problematic for testing. 3:1
468: scope is too broad – should be only actionable items that don’t have text.
435: clarification needed on how color gradations and pixilation is handled
413: Concerned about negative effects from 1.4.13 and 1.4.10, especially for PDF
346: Should be 3:1.
344: Concern about implementability
181: implementation concerns

User Interface Component Contrast (Minimum)
550: visual identifiers of UI components needs def
532: visual identifiers of UI components needs def
528: title is confusing
490: Suggests 3:1 ratio
437: Should include mention of “text cursor”
436: suggests modification of 2.4.7 definition
424: concern about dotted focus outlines
384: Agrees with 3:1 ratio
345: Large number of comments

Adapting Text
551: restrict to blocks of text?
469: Concern that it is too hard to test
438: suggestion on rewording for the note
418: needs name change or to be in different GL?
409: “client” used in SC but “user agent” used in SC
390: i18n concerns
389: font-family changes would need to consider i18n
388: line height / para spacing i18n concerns
349: Perhaps restrict to CSS?
348: overriding text color, background color, and font-family
347: suggests “OPEN” captions in the exception

Content on Hover or Focus
552: confused about hover condition
499: concern about repositioning
491: Telling difference between UA and content issues
471: Telling difference between UA and content issues
439: suggestion for understanding content
350: concern about visible trigger
333: concern about essential

555: includes unsubmitted data?
475: very hard to do. Security implications.
449: supports at start of process. Needs better scoping.
448: User inactivity needs to be defined
403: suggest splitting into “warn” and “extend” criteria
351: Suggest 20 hours

Animation from Interactions
450: suggests further research to get to a AA SC
352: unclear if means to cancel animation or to avoid it

Interruptions (Minimum)
554: concern about readiness of SC.
529: session timeout warnings?
493: does emergency need to be linked to def? Needs to consider v. important messages
474: more specifics are needed for types of interruptions
447: error messages need to be an exception
446: suggests removal of “changes of content”
445: suggests linking “change of content” if kept
444: remove “easily”
443: needs more review.
182: concern about “easily available” and scope of types of interruptions. Exceptions for emergency and real-time cases.

Accessible Authentication
553: not clear on what this is restricting
542: several security concerns
503: Suggests move to AA or AAA due to implementation challenges
473: impractical to implement
442:  invalidates various two-factor authentication processes
441: "not achievable due to legal requirements" is insufficient
440: should be moved to AA
354: “not clear how this provision works” Not ready for A/AA

Character Key Shortcuts
556: If this rules out accesskey then disagree
530: voice recognition and key remapping questions
501: clarification still needs to be made as to where a single key shortcut is acceptable and where it is not (relates to pull #512)
451: suggest incorporating user preference

Accessible Name (Label in Name)
557: disagree. Should be able to set name of “MM” to “2 digit month”
452: suggests adding “persistent”
419: concern about “accessible name”

Target Size & Target Size (No exception)
559: if plain text links disallowed then disagree
558: related to 559
480: useful BP, hard to test manually, not practical for links and some icons
420: concern about “in-page” term
358: impractical on most pages
357: too many exceptions to be useful
332: variety of concerns

Pointer Gestures
505: like the SC but “single untimed pointer gesture” is confusing
495: concern about making UI more complex
478: complex SC language (commenter likes Detlev’s suggestion)
457: concerned about disallowing "double clicks" and "drag and drop" gestures
456: concerned about implications for non-web sw and docs
455: seeking clarification in Understanding docs
356: clarifying broad applicability/terminology

Concurrent Input Mechanisms
458: Concerned that is difficult to test positively
359: need better name and fix the grammars

509: resolved?
496: How to handle devices that do not always permit orientation changes
465: initial comment resolved, follow up = #496
461: comment about exception for "slides for a projector or television"
361: Not clear how orientation is a sensor input
360: clarification about content locking vs User agent.
336: concern about “essential”
265: author vs. User agent concern
193: user agent concern with wording

Device Sensors
560: comment on use of “essential”
481: will be hard to test
459: intent not clear from title and SC text

Accidental Activation
561: suggestion on reversibility wording
380: clarification needed around drag and drop, 2x/3x click, single pointer
364: clarification needed re: user agent impact
330: concern that language is too technology-specific

Change of Content
562: Suggesting simpler resolution to move focus to added content
544: Issue tracking latest revisions (gower, repsher, DMacD)
541: concern about too many updates
539: SC is not needed
531: Programmatic relationship not sufficient (?)
527: What does “delivered to user agent” mean?
502: moving focus to start of changed section should be sufficient, but isn’t
482: scope too wide, not achievable in complex apps
464: suggested modifications to “user has been advised” bullet
463: Programmatic notification not defined
462: SC should not require user notification directly
385: concern about excessive feedback (e.g. games)
365: Programmatic notification not defined

372: Concern about use of “essential”


Andrew Kirkpatrick
Group Product Manager, Accessibility


Received on Monday, 6 November 2017 19:10:02 UTC