RE: Discussion: Change to SC 2.6.2 Orientation

> Essential is definitely not applicable for a user agent restriction.  Since it's under user agent control, the first condition wouldn't make any sense and could not be evaluated.

I'm not sure how any part of that is about the user agent?

What I was trying to get to was (in plainer English): Don't lock the orientation unless there is no other way.

So rather than any assumption about orientation (portrait, landscape, diagonal, circular??), trying to say don't restrict it.

You've probably been down that route and I'm not seeing the issue, but my last attempt would be:
"Content does not restrict the orientation unless one display orientation is essential."

> A mechanism is available to view and operate content in all display orientations except where a restricted display orientation is essential or controlled by the user agent.

I must be missing something, are we trying to get people to test in different orientations, or prevent them from locking orientation?

Surely a user-agent will display in whatever orientation the user wants (and that it has), unless the author does something to lock it?



Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2017 14:56:46 UTC