Re: Update to zoom content

David wrote:
> How would we test for 960 high?

The calculation is essentially the same, 960px at 300% = 320px. So whatever your starting point, it is aiming for the same ‘sqaure’ of size, that should be relatively easy to explain.

Jonathan wrote:
> The term lines of test is very text centric - I know that’s required for the current WCAG - but this as written might allow images to be cut off or someone to argue that their text is not a line - but something else like a table or thought cloud or other text content like text that is part of a chart or something.

Given the exception (for 2d content like images), is that a problem?

A tag-cloud is also akin to a diagram where the 2D nature of it is intrinsic so the display, so I’d argue comes under the exception. I suppose with a bit more wording we could say that text within 2D structures (e.g. data tables) should need to be scrolled. I.e. you shouldn’t have to scroll to read a table cell, so they shouldn’t be more than 320px wide.

>  Is a menu of links lines of text ?

Yes, therefore if the text is horizontal then you shouldn’t have to scroll horizontally.



On Oct 6, 2017, at 1:35 PM, Alastair Campbell <<>> wrote:


Received on Saturday, 7 October 2017 14:38:41 UTC