minutes of Silver subgroup teleconference 25 October 2016

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Text of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                             Silver Sub-group

25 Oct 2016

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/10/25-silver-irc


           jeanne, Shawn





      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]timeline review
          2. [5]Adding WCAG WG Checkpoints to the Design Process
          3. [6]Budget brainstorm
      * [7]Summary of Action Items
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions


       [9] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/work-statement

timeline review


      [10] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Process_of_Designing_Silver#Timeline

    review timeline. added additional checkpoints for key dates
    (CSUN, TPAC, Requirements doc)

    Added dates for WCAG WG review. We agreed on a 6 week time for
    WCAG review.

    Added qualification that the timeline may change based on WCAG
    WG input.

Adding WCAG WG Checkpoints to the Design Process


      [11] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Process_of_Designing_Silver

    Added Checkpoint with WCAG WG to each major phase and several
    of the subphases.

Budget brainstorm

    SL: Make a new document based on the Timeline

    JS: Start adding places where additional resources (money or
    people) could make a difference.
    ... several people that I have talked with have offered
    assistance of people rather than money.
    ... I want to have substantive proposal of what we need.

    SL: Better based on the Methods
    ... set up new document for brainstorming

    JS: I added a that we needed grad students for designing and
    performing Research Studies, and possibly getting a consulting
    firm to help with the survey. That would cost big money, so it
    would be better to look for a donation of consultant resources.

    out of time, to be continued on Friday.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2016 14:37:07 UTC