- From: Glenda Sims <glenda.sims@deque.com>
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 09:48:19 -0500
- To: Alastair Campbell <acampbell@nomensa.com>
- Cc: GLWAI Guidelines WG org <w3c-wai-gl@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAH2ngERF5qgfGSeSxqi4W-6pE0RBg6q8OYCNNAhJNB90v0=saA@mail.gmail.com>
Alastair, +1 (and thank you for saying exactly what I am thinking.) Glenda glenda sims | team a11y lead | deque.com | 512.963.3773 *web for everyone. web on everything.* - w3 goals On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Alastair Campbell <acampbell@nomensa.com> wrote: > I echo the hear, respect and trust comment from John, but also think that > this is true: > > “*working on an "All or Nothing" sum-total proposition, where they > believe we need to get *all* the new proposed Success Criteria into the > next dot release of WCAG for fear of "missing out"*.“ > > > > I’m fairly ambivalent about the time between 2.1 and 2.2, but there are > two main problems I’m picking up: > > 1. Scale of work needed. > > 2. Impact on / take up of stakeholders such as governments. > > > > *Scale of work:* > > Even from outside the process I could see that a huge amount of work that > went into WCAG 2.0, and if I thought 2.1 was going to need the same level > of work I would agree with Gregg. > > > > There is an implicit assumption in the 2.1 approach that might not be > obvious to people who haven’t been involved in Agile projects in the last > few years. I could also be wrong that this is an assumption, so let’s make > it explicit. > > > > Apologies to everyone very familiar with Agile, but for everyone else: the > assumption is that *you fit the work into a time-box, and release what is > done in that time*. > > > > If there are only 3 new SC that get consensus by the deadline, then 2.1 > may have only 3 new SC. Given the time between 2.0 and 2.1, I think we can > manage a lot more than 3, but that is an assumption of the process. > > (I appreciate that the guidelines need to work as a whole, so we should > also get consensus on the whole at each dot release, not just the > individual SCs.) > > > > The rest of the W3C appears to be working in this way, I suspect we need a > very good case not to follow suit. > > > > *Governments / legal stakeholders* > > This is an important point and important stakeholders, but I’m not sure > how much of a problem it will be to have more regular updates. > > > > How do Governments deal with changing technical specifications, e.g. Do > they still specify HTML 4.01 because they haven’t updated? Do they say > latest version? > > > > I know accessibility guidelines are different, but they are also trying to > keep up with technical specifications and changes. Touch interfaces weren’t > popular in 2008, now they are ubiquitous. We can produce more techniques > and understanding, but many of the new SCs are for things that were not > around previously, covering gaps in the normative text. > > > > If it is pitched to Governments as a steady progressions of a standard > that will be backwards compatible, it is up to them to decide at what point > they want to take a snapshot. That is assuming they can’t do what the UK > does and simply not specify a particular standard. In the UK a legal case > would ask “what is the standard in the industry”, to which the obvious > answer at the moment is WCAG 2.0 AA. A year or two after WCAG 2.1 that > answer would change. > > > > At the EU level their Government procurement guidelines say things like > “Where ICT is a web page, it shall satisfy WCAG 2.0 Success Criterion 1.4.4 > Resize text.” [1] > > > > If that anchor point is still there, it should not cause them issues. > > > > I have to admit I have a slight allergy to how big government > organizations work (it sends me to sleep), but it seems like the dot > release approach should work… > > > > Cheers, > > > > -Alastair > > > > 1] http://mandate376.standards.eu/standard/technical- > requirements/resize-text >
Received on Thursday, 6 October 2016 14:48:55 UTC