WCAG Agenda Oct 1st 2016

The WCAG WG will be meeting on Tuesday, 4th Oct 2016 at 11AM Eastern US 
(Length: up to 90 minutes).
Please reply with regrets to the list.

Scribe list: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Scribe_List
IRC: irc.w3.org<http://irc.w3.org>  port: 6665 channel #wai-wcag

1) Updated charter for WG review 

To connect to the meeting:
Join WebEx meeting 
Meeting number:            642 418 206
Meeting password:         Find in the irc meeting room header if you 
don’t know it


Join by phone
+1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Access code: 642 418 206

Joshue O Connor | Director
InterAccess.ie - Accessible UX

Received on Saturday, 1 October 2016 10:04:19 UTC