Re: Responsive tables and accessibility

If content is rendered visually  as a data table on a small screen
like a phone it offers certain functionality to the user. It must be
exposed as a data table to the SR user and be navigable as one.
However, if the content appears like a data table only on bigger
screen size (laptop / full size tablet) but  appears like a series of
say 2-column lists on a phone for all users, that content should be
exposed as a series of lists to SR  users as well. No user can view
the content as a data table on a phone, so the table's functionality
is not available to anyone. There is no accessibility problem then.
Responsive design may be employed to render  content with different
data structure based on breakpoint.
Sailesh Panchang

Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2016 18:51:30 UTC