Re: User agent SCs?

Great question Alastair! Yes, we mark them as for 'Silver'.

It is very useful to know which SCs are more applicable to the UA space.

Thanks a mil


------ Original Message ------
From: "Alastair Campbell" <>
To: "WCAG" <>
Sent: 06/07/2016 12:03:40
Subject: User agent SCs?

>Hi everyone,
>I’ve started looking through some of the task force success criteria 
>proposals and I have a high-level question: What do we do with SCs that 
>seem best dealt with by user-agents?
>Just as an example, several of the low vision ones [1] definitely seem 
>to be user-agent issues, such as the user being able to select 
>line/word/letter spacing, justification, margins on text, etc. I assume 
>other TFs will also have SCs best dealt with on the user-agent side.
>Are they likely to be moved back to post-WCAG 2.1?
>My intent was to try and see the shape forming from the new 
>requirements, what kind of things are coming up and where are they 
>fitting in to the 2.0 “POUR” structure. However, that’s tricky when you 
>don’t think they should be in WCAG, but we also don’t have a UAAG 
>Is it worth tagging these as user-agent focused in the meantime?
>Alastair Campbell
>follow us: @we_are_nomensa or me: @alastc

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2016 11:09:15 UTC