Techniques doc - questions and suggestions

Greetings All,
1. At the end of techniques for SC 3.3.2 there is a note:
"Note: The techniques at the end of the above list should be considered "last resort" and only used when the other techniques cannot be applied to the page.
The earlier techniques are preferred because they increase accessibility to a wider user group". 

Apparently, this is not true for techniques for other SCs, as it is placed only after 3.3.2?

2. The list of techniques displayed (when one selects all technologies) includes Flash, Silverlight, PDF etc. So when using Flash or PDFs, only techniques for those technologies apply even though they appear lower down the list. 
So the above note needs to be reviewed and / or techniques should be grouped by technologies. While grouping, it may be reasonable to group general , HTML, ARIA, CSS, scripting techniques together. But for PDF techniques, only general ones may be considered not ARIA or CSS etc so these should not be grouped.

3. Techniques for some SCs are organized by situation (like SC 1.1.1, 1.3.1 and  it is not so for many other SCs.
Does this  need to be reviewed to make the presentation of techniques more consistent?
For instance even for SC 3.3.2, H90, Flash10 and PDF apply only when required fields in a form are distinguished from those that are not. So the situation may read: When required fields need to be identified" or the like, and then grouped by technologies. 

Maybe a review needs to be done, say for only Level A SCs at first? I could help if you wish.
Sailesh Panchang

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 15:01:05 UTC