Quickref User Feedback @ AccessU

Hi all,

we have collected a lot of useful user feedback[1] for the new 
quickref[2]. The main challenge is to meet the expectations of users 
when they encounter the quickref.

We got a lot of feedback to implement more fine-grained and task-based 
tagging, for example searching for images, forms or similar components. 
Some users even proposed to hide parts of success criteria. One example: 
A user searched for images and  they didn’t expect to see 
“Time-Based Media” in SC 1.1.1 as this has nothing to do with 
images. I don’t think it is feasible to do this now, but it might be 
an interesting option for the future.

Another idea was that we could make sure that related information is 
better grouped, for example there was little understanding why the two 
contrast requirements are so far apart.

Many participants seemed confused by techniques that don’t exist and 
have a “(future link)” on the end. It was unclear how techniques for 
guidelines relate to the success criteria in the guideline.

I have summarized the finding on the top of the feedback page[3] and 
also listed some challenges[4].


[2] http://w3c.github.io/wai-wcag-quickref/


Eric Eggert
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at Wold Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 14:24:15 UTC