RE: H86: Providing text alternatives for ASCII art, emoticons, and leetspeak

Thanks for the suggestion.  Just a reminder that you (and anyone) can submit pull requests against the current working branch of the WCAG docs on GitHub. Today, that means the branch labeled “Working-Branch-for-Q3-2015”.

I’m happy to make some changes for this pair of comments but wanted to get more information from you on why you don’t like the leetspeak example.  Of course the Leetspeak version of “Austin Rocks” is not going to read well for an AT user but I think that the question is whether to replace or augment the leet text with the alternative text.  I am also a little uncomfortable with using abbr here, not least because the abbreviation is actually longer than the alternative.  What would you recommend?


From: Steve Faulkner []
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 9:50 AM
Subject: H86: Providing text alternatives for ASCII art, emoticons, and leetspeak

suggest adding ARIA-fied example (from html5 spec)

<figure role="img" aria-labelledby="fish-caption"
   o           .'`/
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      )       )))     ><  <
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    jgs     `\__\
   <figcaption id="fish-caption">
    <cite>Joan G. Stark, "fish"</cite>.
    October 1997. ASCII on electrons. 28×8.

Also question the use of <abbr> in this technique:
<abbr title="Austin Rocks">Au5t1N r0xx0rz</abbr>


HTML 5.1<>

Received on Sunday, 26 April 2015 03:39:05 UTC