WCAG-ISSUE-40 (G:202 clarify function vs. control): Clarify all functionality via keyboard, vs every control [HTML & ARIA Techniques TF]

WCAG-ISSUE-40 (G:202 clarify function vs. control): Clarify all functionality via keyboard, vs every control [HTML & ARIA Techniques TF]


Raised by: David MacDonald
On product: HTML & ARIA Techniques TF

G202: Ensuring keyboard control for all functionality

Note: This does not necessarily mean that each of the individual controls can be used from the keyboard as long as there are multiple methods to perform the same function available on the page. Authors are advised to consider how users will discover any keyboard equivalents which are available on the page. 

This was written at a time when there was no swiping and before the mobile web.

We need to distinguish:
A) that all *functionality* be available by keyboard, but not necessarily every control, for instance, the video player has a play button in the middle of the image, which is not keyboard accessible, but there is a play button.

B) Want to ensure there is no confusion, that keyboard accessibility to all functionality ks necessary... there is a fairly strong momentum l that keyboard accessibility is not necessary, if there is a swipe etc...

Suggest rewording note:
Note: This does not necessarily mean that each of the individual controls can be used from the keyboard, only that all functionality can be accessed via a keyboard. For instance, a video player may have a play button in the middle of the image, which is not keyboard accessible, but there is a play button on the player which is accessible. Authors are advised to consider how users will discover any keyboard equivalents which are available on the page. Those which are non-standard, should be documented as per 3.3.2 http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/minimize-error-cues.html

Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 16:41:31 UTC