Agenda for February 25 2014 WCAG meeting

The WCAG WG will be meeting on Tuesday, March 4th 2014 at 11AM Eastern 
US (Length: up to 90 minutes).

Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 (US) Passcode: 9224#

IRC:<> port: 6665 channel #wai-wcag


The survey is closed, but we have some outstanding items to catch up 
with from last weeks call.

1)  Misc survey for March 4th, 2014

2) Candidate technique walk through

Please send any other agenda items to AWK, myself or to the list.

Joshue O Connor/Andrew Kirkpatrick
WCAG working group co-chairs

Received on Friday, 28 February 2014 12:11:45 UTC