Re: Bug: Does a TM (trademark), SM (service mark), (R) (registered trademark) symbol in a company's logo need alt text?

Yes, I think the alt should contain this kind of symbols, since the 
blind user may download the logo for using it somewhere (for example, in 
a report or as part of a "sponsors" page).

Therefore, the user should know about the existence of this kind of 
"legal" information that could have implications on possible uses / 
restrictions of a registered logo.


Steve wrote:

> Input on this bug appreciated.
>     Can you please document in the HTML 5 spec if a logo (that happens
>     to havea (R) registered trademark symbol) must have alt text that
>     indicates that symbol. (I would also suggest documenting this for TM
>     and SM as well.

Received on Sunday, 8 June 2014 09:36:19 UTC