- From: James Nurthen <james.nurthen@oracle.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 13:02:35 -0700
- To: Protocols and Formats Working Group WG <w3c-wai-pf@w3.org>, w3c-wai-gl@w3.org
- Message-ID: <4FBFE55B.1060905@oracle.com>
Hi, Due to various holidays there will be no WCAG HTML5 Techniques Task Force Meeting on 28 May or June 4. The next meeting will be June 11 2012 at 9AM PDT / Noon EDT Please also find the minutes of the last meeting below. Apologies - I forgot to make the minutes during the meeting so this is a paste from IRC. <Joshue108> * Dividing up the remaining ARIA techniques [1] <Joshue108> As we have decided to focus on developing ARIA techniques - we need to divide the existing techniques up among the group and find others willing to contribute. <Joshue108> zakim, take up item 1 <Zakim> agendum 1. "Agenda:" taken up [from Joshue108] <Zakim> +Marc_Johlic <jamesn> JOC: I finished my remainign HTML5 techniques - will set up surveys over the next few weeks <jamesn> JOC: there are 4 techniques up on the wiki <jamesn> JOC: due to Memorial day and other holidays we will not be meeting over the next 2 weeks <jamesn> JN: next meeting will be June 11 <Joshue108> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Techniques/ARIA <MichaelC> agenda+ Face to Face at TPAC <jamesn> JOC: can a techique be both an ARIA and HTML5 technique <jamesn> MC: currently seperated by technology. <jamesn> MC: are there techiques which are different for ARIA when inside and outside HTML5 <jamesn> MC: unless we find issues with it then we should say that aria techniques in HTML5 are just plain aria techniques <Joshue108> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_HTML5_section_element <jamesn> JOC: based deefback have added Aria to the section techqnique above <jamesn> JG: feedback on the aria-label choice on the example 2 <Joshue108> JOC: Thanks Mark for taking those I have updated the wiki :-) <jamesn> JG: aria-describedby is supported for images at least with JAWS <adam> http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/states_and_properties#aria-describedby <jamesn> JG: in 1.1.1 situation B - using aria-descibedby on an image. Is that fully resolved in the HTML spec <jamesn> AS: are we only targetting screen reader users? <jamesn> JOC: no - have to be careful of that <Joshue108> s/Mark/Marc <jamesn> AS: do we need both alt and aria-describedby in Example 1 <jamesn> JN: yes - you need both <jamesn> JN: this is situation B <jamesn> Situation B: If a short description can not serve the same purpose and present the same information as the non-text content (e.g., a chart or diagram): <jamesn> JG: Are things lining up with the OAA rulesets? <jamesn> JG: we have a rule that says all renderable content should be in a landmark <marcjohlic> http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_ARIA_landmarks <marcjohlic> Example 4 <Joshue108> JN: Thats in the wrong place <Joshue108> JN: There isn't anything in that technique that says everything needs to be in a landmark. <Joshue108> JN: What WCAG standard says that? <jamesn> JG: people - when they see rules want to see how they relate to WCAG <jamesn> JG: those who don't understand the difference between sufficient, advisory and failure techniques <Joshue108> JOC: Some of it relates to support <Zakim> Attendees were Cooper, adam, Joshue, James_Nurthen, Jon_Gunderson, Marc_Johlic -- Regards, James Oracle <http://www.oracle.com> James Nurthen | Accessibility Lead Phone: +1 650 506 6781 <tel:+1%20650%20506%206781> | Mobile: +1 415 987 1918 <tel:+1%20415%20987%201918> Oracle Corporate Architecture 500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065 Green Oracle <http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment
Received on Friday, 25 May 2012 20:03:10 UTC