Audio Descriptions for Talking Heads

I've been coming across a lot of this lately, and don't really know what to
do about it... we have a requirement for audio descriptions... but 95% of
all video on Government and corporate sites are just talking heads, like a
message from the CEO, or from the marketing manager, or from the Minister,
where he's just talking in front of a non-consequential background.


Honestly, it seems extraneous to require these videos to be audio described
which can cost thousands of dollars, and provides almost zero value for a
person who is blind...


We could I guess get a voice overdub at the front that says... "the minister
speaking in his office, with a flag in the background" ... but I almost wish
we had some kind of an exception for these videos of talking heads... it
would cost a thousand bucks for that line, (unless there is some kind of
internal production facility).




David MacDonald 




From: [] On Behalf
Of Loretta Guarino Reid
Sent: June-15-11 2:43 PM
Subject: 16 June 2011 Agenda ==============================


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 1. Status of publication
 2. Miscellaneous Issues and Techniques for 16 June 2011
   Survey: <>
 3. Other discussion topics, depending upon who is present?
    * Are Word documents web content?
    * Vivienne's question about hierarchical headings? 

Received on Saturday, 18 June 2011 15:01:46 UTC