Need help with broken links

A number of links from Understanding and Techniques have become broken.
As we publish a new version of these documents, we need to have 0 broken
links. There are too many of these for me to find and fix myself, in
addition to the other pre-publication editorial tasks. I need to recruit
help from the group on this. I created a wiki page showing the broken
links I need help with:

Anybody who can, please go to this page and suggest updated links to
replace the broken one. It might be easiest to start with links that
reference your own organization if applicable, or organizations you are
fairly familiar with. If everyone can do a couple additional links as
well we should get this taken care of fairly quickly. There are 29
broken links I found that need updating, so just a few per person.

Any broken links that I can't get updated references for, I will just
remove from the document before publication.


Michael Cooper
Web Accessibility Specialist
World Wide Web Consortium, Web Accessibility Initiative
E-mail <>
Information Page <>

Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 18:06:25 UTC