ISSUE-5 (H42 edited): Headings H42 new example and description

ISSUE-5 (H42 edited): Headings H42 new example and description

Raised by: David MacDonald
On product: 

The government of Canada has asked us to use another example in H42 because is problematic in several ways:
1) H2 comes before H1 in the code
2) H2 is not a subcategory of H1
3) They feel we are taking a position on how to markup Nav bars H2 vs H1, and given the ARIA and HTML 5 have specific Nav landmarks, they think we should not put a stake in the ground over whether to makup Nav's withan H1 or H2, and would rather a regular hierarchical example and just provide some text in the descrition that non-Hierarcical layout is allowed.

I've provided a proposed edited H42 here. 

Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 15:30:43 UTC