RE: Proposed substantive change to media accessibility (Issue 2490)

Even though I am content with things as they are now, I concur with Sean
in that I am not wholly convinced that we are entirely consistent with
the Levels assignment between text equivalents and captioning.  I will
try and be more lucid here than I was on the call.
Specifically, 1.1.1 allows that text alternatives may merely provide
descriptive identification of the non-text content when that non-text
content is primarily intended to create a specific sensory experience.
Well, even nominally educational/informational films are creating a
visual experience, and the authors have chosen a visual medium for some
rather fundamental, perhaps even primary, reason.
So it seems rather uneven to allow that some sensory-oriented non-text
context needs only descriptive identification (and nothing further, even
at Double or Triple A) - but sensory-oriented synchronized media
requires captions or audio description or full text alternatives.
But I am not troubled enough by this flaw that I think it warrants
changing SC!

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2008 14:28:55 UTC