Re: Not described in words

> I respectfully suggest that the timing references be removed from SC 2.1.1.  This would leave it as:
> All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface, except where the underlying task requires analog input.

Bruce, we would need to think this through more carefully, since
removing the reference to timing means that keyboard operations that
depend upon the amount of time that a key is held down would be
permitted, and we know that this introduces accessibility problems for
some people.
> > 4) As per the last phone call, "Discern" is the wrong word
> > in any case.
> As per the last phone call, I respectfully disagree.
> <blockquote>
> dis·cern : to separate, distinguish between; 2: to recognize or identify as separate and distinct : discriminate <discern right from wrong>; 3: to come to know or recognize mentally <unable to discern his motives>; intransitive verb: to understand the difference
> </blockquote>

I agree with Gregg on this. Let's plug these different definitions
into the phrase "discern textually":
1. to separate or distinguish textually between
2. to recognize textually or identify textually as separate and
distinct: to discriminate textually
3. to come to know textually or recognize textually mentally; to
understand the difference textually

The verbs here are all mental processes, and I can't combine them with
"textually" in any way that makes sense. I know that the phase has
captured a concept that is clear in your mind, but the phrase isn't
communicating that concept to me.


Received on Thursday, 8 March 2007 15:18:34 UTC