Re: "Web Page" and a "Page Instance"

Hi David,

> In the "old days" of the web there might be a web site for a restaurant that
> had a web page for a menu that would be at the URL

I wouldn't go to that restaurant - the server could not be found.

> I would like to introduce a new word for that individual
> *state* of the page at any given moment. "Page Instance".

I think this is a good idea, but the word "instance" already has a
meaning in object-oriented programming to mean an instance of an
object (for its lifetime). To me, without referring to a glossary, the
term "page instance" would mean the life of the page including all its
states. What about calling it a "page state"?

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Friday, 20 October 2006 18:19:00 UTC