the question is NOFRAME content [was: Re: Is it a problem that WCAG 2.0 doesn't require paying attention to NOFRAME content?]

y'all (save tina) are missing the point - the point is that NOFRAMES
MUST be required when frames are used so that users can access the
content of the frameset site without having to resort to deciphering
the decisions of an individual webmaster - or, more likely, an
authoring tool.

the example i used in my reply to illustrate robust NOFRAMES was a
technique i submitted when we were at work on WCAG 1.0 - whether or
not it made the techniques document, i don't remember and don't have
time to check.

the relationship between frames is widely implemented in a visual
conceit, but if i am using a web-capable non-visual cell phone (there
are such creatures) without any sort of display, i'd much rather have
robust content than a list of titles or names that mean nothing to me,
nor allow me to know where exactly in the world wide web i am (hence
the inclusion of the name of the site in a header in the NOFRAMES.

i don't care one whit about the visual relationships about which most
of this thread has revolved, nor do i want a LONGDESC, as a LONGDESC
page is hardly ever updated when content is updated if it exists in
the first place - as a user - more specifically a totally blind user -
i want content, and the only way to ensure alternate browsing in a
non-visual environment is to mandate the provision of robust NOFRAMES
content, and THAT my friends, is a screaming, flaming, indisputable P1
or whatever you're calling it nowadays.  it is also an issue that
should be tackled by the AUWG (authoring tool working group), for it
would be a trivial task for a tool to automatically amend the NOFRAMES
portion of the frameset whenever the navigational frame is updated...


PS: by the way, i thought we were speaking WCAG 2.0 here and not Section 508
  BIGOT, n.  One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an
  opinion that you do not entertain.               -- Ambrose Bierce
            Camera Obscura:

Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 21:37:54 UTC