FW: Request

I have an action item to look into nested layout table layers and whether we
need to make some discussion about them in the How To Doc, besides that they
must linearize properly. I am providing this email that was sent to me be a
blind computer technical help desk worker in the Canadian Government, as
part of this discussion. I would say he is in the top 95th percentile as far
as ability with screen readers.


>Hello David:


>Layers of tables are similar to spread sheets.  It is an individual thing.
When setting it >up it is much easier then trying to figure them out.
Personally one layer of tables is >more than enough for me.  Although WE and
JAWS support multiple tables within >tables, for me it is enough of a bother
to move left right up down when navigating a >sheet.


>Now someone who works a lot with spread sheets and various financial data
might >have a better capacity for working with that type of data.



I also had an action item to look into previous discussions on this list. 


A search on the terms "nested layout table" produced 55 responses. This is
just a cursory search. At this point I don't see any long threads on the
topic, that was mentioned on the call. I will do more looking next week
after language training exams.


David MacDonald


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Received on Thursday, 3 August 2006 23:23:47 UTC