Re: CSS Parsed Unambiguously

On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 11:49:45PM +0200, Johannes Koch wrote:

> >I think that the stylesheet can be broken in some ways and still be 
> >parsed properly as Björn suggested
> Then the CSS will meet the SC.

  In other words: a stylesheet can be written so poorly that, following
  the error correction rules in section 4.2 of CSS 2.1, so many bits
  and pieces are left out that contrast and other important
  accessibility details suffer ... but as long as it can be parsed
  properly it will still meet the SC?

  Frankly, that doesn't make sense at all. What is the
  accessibility value of a correctly parsed, but broken, CSS

 -     Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies (UK) Ltd.        
     +46 708 557 905  

Received on Friday, 9 June 2006 22:07:03 UTC