Re: baseline_overview_draft.htm

At 02:53 17/11/2005, Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:
We have been working on a description of the baseline concept.

Attached is what the editors have been able to develop on this.

We can review it tomorrow. It would be good to release it with the next draft.

I made a few editorial changes (see attachment: 
Below is the list of changes:

WCAG 2.0 working group -> WCAG working group
the 2.0 guidelines -> the WCAG 2.0 guidelines / version 2.0 of the guidelines
todays -> today's
non W3C technologies -> non-W3C technologies
to create an accessible Web content yet -> to create accessible Web 
content, yet [delete 'an'; add comma before 'yet']
without introducing incompatible guidelines between countries -> without 
introducing guidelines that are incompatible between countries
By using this two layered approach, it is possible -> This two-layered 
approach makes it possible
The group however found  -> The group, however, found
set of technologies  see below) ->  set of technologies, see below),
introduce a new concept "baseline".-> introduce a new concept: "baseline".
[deleted colons at end of hx elements]
and other a few other commonly supported technologies -> and a few other 
commonly supported technologies
the users agent -> the user agent [several instances]
If the users user agent -> If the user agent
for each success criteria -> for each success criterion
Within some of these docs ->Within some of these documents
each success criteria of the guidelines -> each success criterion of the 
technique docs - >  technique documents

In fact the working group -> In fact, the working group

In the section "Additional Information Related Baseline and Conformance":
Required components ...
[added full stop at the end of each item]
Additional Information Related Baseline and Conformance -> Additional 
Information Related to Baseline and Conformance
Optional components of a conformance claim:
technologies 'relied upon" -> technologies "relied upon"
[code for nested lists was messed up]
- (This includes markup languages, style sheet languages, 
scripting/programming languages, image formats, and multimedia formats.) -> 
[remove the parentheses?]
-  relied upon means that the content would not meet WCAG 2.0 at the 
claimed level if that technology is turned off or not supported) -> Relied 
... [capitalise first letter of the sentence; replace closing parenthesis 
with full stop]
- the set of -> The set of
A list of the specific technologies that are "used" but not "relied upon" 
-> [add full stop]

[In "Examples of conformance claims", asterisks were replaced with <em> + 
styling to display as bold instead of italic.]

Note that in example 4 the author is ...; the company -> Note that in 
example 4, the author is ...: the company
cross disability accessible ->  cross-disability accessible
e.g. what version of HTML? of XHTML? of CSS? of PDF? of Flash? etc -> For 
example, what version of HTML, XHTML, CSS, PDF, etcetera?
Win98, Win 95 -> Windows 98, Windows 95
When dealing with the Internet therefore it is important -> When dealing 
with the Internet, it is therefore important
Some question to consider -> Below are some question to consider.
user agent (does one exist) -> user agent (if one exists)
supported by only by user agents ->  supported only by user agents
Is the accessible version of the plug-in not the one that usually is 
downloaded or pointed to? -> Is the accessible version of the plug-in 
different from the one that is usually downloaded or pointed to?

Removed unused CSS styles.
Changed character encoding from cp-1252 to UTF-8 and cleaned up 
unrecognized character entities.
Changed DOCTYPE to XHTML 1.0 Transitional.



Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Thursday, 17 November 2005 12:04:34 UTC