Nov 10 teleconference

Late regrets about Nov 10 & regrets for Nov 15 and Nov 17 teleconference.
Best regards 

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Christophe Strobbe <>
Date:  Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:35:41 +0100

>At 01:11 13/11/2005, Sofia Celic wrote:
>Does anyone have a full version of the IRC log from the November 10
>teleconference? The log available from the W3C website
>( does not cover the whole
>time period.
>I extracted the resolutions and action items out of my IRC client's log 
>file. I hope I did not miss anything. (I don't have a Perl installation to 
>run the script.)
>Resolution: accept definition of parsing as follows: "Parsing transforms 
>markup or other code into a data structure, usually a tree, which is 
>suitable for later processing and which captures the implied hierarchy of 
>the input. Parsing unambiguously means that there is only one data 
>structure that can result."
>Resolution: adopt wording for 4.1 L1 SC1 "Delivery units can be parsed 
>unambiguously." for the next draft.
>Resolution: have a sufficient technique for 1.4 L2 SC1 and L3 SC1 not 
>specifying background color and not specififying text color AND delete the 
>sufficient technique of having no background specified 1.4 L2 SC1 and L3 SC1
>Resolution: delete the word "minimum" from L2 SC1 and L3 SC1 of GL 1.4
>Resolution: accept GL 1.4 L2 SC1 and L3 SC1 and their guide docs
>Resolution: add sufficient technique for GL 2.3 L1 SC1 and L2 SC2 - 
>Providing a means to disable or turn off the provocative information before 
>encountering it
>Resolution: change GL 2.3 L1 SC1 to "When content violates either the 
>general flash threshold or the red flash threshold, users are warned in a 
>way that they can avoid it.
>Resolution: Modify last resolution - do not add sufficient technique to GL 
>2.3 L2 SC1 - Providing a means to disable or turn off the provocative 
>information before encountering it.
>Resolution: modify "general flash threshold" and "red flash threshold" 
>definitions change "is not permitted when" to "where"
>Resolution: adopt John's suggestions for edits to intent section.
>Resolution: Modify GL 2.3 L2 SC1 sufficient technique to remove reference 
>to Trace tool. Replace with "Content has been tested and does not violate 
>general flash threshold or red flash threshold (See reources for tools)" 
>and move reference to Trace tools to resources.
>Resolution: adopt GL 2.3 L1 SC 1 and L2 SC 1 and their guide docs as 
>modified by resolutions.
>Resolution: modify GL 2.4 L2 SC1 to "More than one way is available to 
>locate content within a set of delivery units where content is not the 
>result of, or a step in, a process or task."
>Resolution: adopt GL 2.4 L2 SC1 and it's guide as amended by resolutions.
>Resolution: adopt proposed language for GL 2.4 L2 SC4 with an ed note that 
>describes the question group has with regard to what "associated" means and 
>how tight the association has to be. "Each programmatic referece to another 
>delivery unit or to another location in the same delivery unit is 
>associated with text describing the destination."
>Resolution: adopt GL 2.4 L2 SC4 and it's guide doc as amended by resolutions.
>Resolution: Keep GL 1.3 L1 SC2 and L2 SC2 as is (undoing previous 
>resolution to change L1 SC2 text) and add an editoral note to L1 SC2 that 
>says, "The Working group is considering moving L2 SC2 to Level 1 and 
>combining it with L1 SC2 so that information conveyed through color is 
>available visually without color and also available programatically."
>Resolution: accept the sc and guide doc as edited "Navigational features 
>within the content can be programmatically determined." and Adopt alternate 
>definition from the F2F .  2.4 L1 SC1
>Resolution: unanimous consent the wording of GL L SC1 changed to read 
>"perceivable structures within the content can be programmatically determined."
>Resolution: accept guide doc as edited, GL 1.3 L1 SC1
>Resolution: adopt Christophe's edit to 1.3 L3 SC2 "Information required to 
>understand and operate content does not rely solely on shape, size, visual 
>location or orientation of components."
>Resolution: adopt 1.3 L3 SC2 guide doc as edited
>Resolution: change "determined programatically" to "programatically 
>determined" 1.3 L3 SC1
>Resolution: accept Guide doc for 1.3 L3 SC1 as edited
>Resolution: adopt guide doc as edited GL 3.1 L 3 SC 1 (restricted 
>words-unusual words)
>Resolution: adopt edited guide doc for 4.2 L1 SC2
>Resolution:     * The content and properties of user interface elements 
>that can be changed via the user interface can also be directly changed 
>                    NOTE: Some examples of standardized properties that 
>typically can be changed by the user interface include its value, whether 
>it is currently selected, and whether it currently has the focus.
>Resolution: adopt the wording for SC 4.2 L1 SC 5 "The content and 
>properties of user interface elements that can be changed via the user 
>interface can also be directly changed programmatically. " with the 
>ednote:NOTE: Some examples of standardized properties that typically can be 
>changed by the user interface include its value, whether it is currently 
>selected, and whether it currently has the focus.
>Resolution: adopt the proposed rewording to conformance section to relect 
>that baseline is what is requied and relied is optional
>Resolution: ednote: the working group is developing language to distinguish 
>between web content and downloaded files which is not content...
>Resolution: The Working Group is developing language to differentiate 
>between Web content on the one hand and downloaded software and other 
>non-Web content on the other.
>Resolution: unanimous. to authorize the editors to make any additional 
>cleanup needed to prepare the document with notification to the working 
>group of any non-editorial changes
>Action items
>Action: Gregg will work with Yvette and Makoto, Christophe to find an 
>easier way say "Luminosity" in 1.4 L2 SC1
>Action: Gregg will see if he can add text to the intent of 1.4 L2 SC1 to 
>give background on the definition of luminosity
>Action: Gregg - add benefits to GL 2.3 L1 SC1
>Action: Tim to propose GL 2.3 SC that addresses provision of alternative 
>equivalent content.
>Action: Tim to look at GL 4.2 to see if the issue is covered there
>Action: Gian continue action item to find techniques that do not require 
>specific technologies not commonly in the baseline to implement.
>Scribes: David, Andi, Becky
>Wendy Chisholm, David MacDonald, Christophe Strobbe, John Slatin, Yvette 
>Hoitink, Gregg Vanderheiden, Ben Caldwell, Michael Cooper, Makoto Ueki, 
>Andi Snow-Weaver, Gez Lemon, Bengt Farre, Alex Li, Sofia Celic, Don Evans, 
>Becky Gibson, Loretta Guarino Reid, Gian Sampson-Wild, Diana Stottlemeyer, 
>Katie Haritos-Shea, Tim Boland, Judy Brewer
>This was a long call (9 p.m. - 6 a.m. in my timezone, CET) and many people 
>attended the whole call.
>Christophe Strobbe
>Christophe Strobbe
>K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
>Document Architectures
>Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
>tel: +32 16 32 85 51

Sebastiano Nutarelli 
IWA/HWG Member 
W3C WCAG Working Group Member 

Received on Monday, 14 November 2005 16:57:40 UTC