Re: Validity

On Nov 5, 2005, at 7:07 PM, Bailey, Bruce wrote:
> I recognize that were validity to become a requirement overnight  
> (which it could, I suppose, in some places) it will cause  
> significant discomfort to the likes of Matt May and Bob Regan.

I strongly object to and am personally offended by this statement.

I must point out that my position on this has not changed since I was  
working for W3C, an organization which, if I remember correctly, had  
something or other to do with validity and accessibility.

Further, if anything, my position is counter to my own interests. It  
is in my best interest as a skilled author of HTML (and part-owner of  
a company which sells these services) for WCAG 2 to have a minimum  
requirement of validity, because I am one of very few developers who  
is capable of reliably achieving that standard. I maintain this  
position because of my awareness through the time I spent working on  
standards and interacting with various segments of my own field that  
a large majority of people wouldn't have the first clue how to create  
valid content.


Received on Sunday, 6 November 2005 03:38:59 UTC