Re: appology

On 03/11/05, David MacDonald <> wrote:
> In our conference call I believe I made an unfair comment. About the Acronym
> issue, I said "it appears that industry is lining up against disability
> consultants." I think every one on this committee is concerned about making
> a document that will provide the maximum accessibility to people with
> disabilities in a way that is realistic and sustainable. And I trust our
> group conscience and I trust our process. For that reason I apologize for
> the comments. I have a great respect for everyone on the committee and hope
> you will accept my sincere apology.

Although I can't speak for everyone on the call, I'm sure that
everyone present on the call accepts your apology. I accept your
apology, even though there was no need to apologise to me.

Being relatively new to the group, I've never understood if this is
the elephant in the room [1], or whether it's just been purely
coincidental that certain members never seem to support anything that
would obviously improve accessibility, but would require work on their
part as they're issues that they wouldn't have already addressed. I've
always assumed it's the elephant, but have never liked to mention it
in case it was taboo. You've apologised for making a simple
observation, so I'm really pleased that I've never been brave enough
to mention the elephant.


Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Friday, 4 November 2005 04:46:51 UTC