Re: proposed new definitions for abbreviation and acronym

At 20:30 15/09/2005, Becky Gibson wrote:
(...) In reviewing GL 3.1 L3 SC3, (...) we have
uncovered the need for updated  definitions of abbreviation and acronym.
The current and proposed definitions as well as some rationale are below:

<current definitions>
Acronym -A word made from the initial letters of a name that contains
several words. For example, NOAA is a word made from the initial letters
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United
States. SNCF is a French acronym that contains the initial letters of the
Societe National des Chemins de Fer, the French national railroad.
Abbreviation -The shortened form of a word. For example, "Dr." is the
abbreviation for the English word "doctor." "M." is the abbreviation for
the French word "Monsieur."
</current definitions>

<proposed definitions>
abbreviation -The shortened form of a word.  For example, "est." may be
the abbreviation for the English words "established" or "estimate."  "Cie"

is the abbreviation for the French word "compagnie" (company).

acronym - A word made from the initial letters of a name that contains
several words.  For example, NOAA is a word made from the initial letters
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United
States. SNCF is a French acronym that contains the initial letters of the
Societe National des Chemins de Fer, the French national railroad.   All
acronyms are abbreviations.

The last sentence contradicts the definition of abbreviation. Both acronyms
and abbreviations are *abbreviated forms*.

Becky also wrote:
Note: Some English language  sources require that acronyms form a word
that is spoken as syllables while others accept any grouping of the
initial letters of words as an acronym.  WCAG 2.0 uses the latter, less
restrictive definition.
</proposed definitions>

If you want to be more precise, you could call the pronouncable type
acronyms and the unpronouncalbe type initialisms.

Becky finally wrote:
Updated the acronym definition to state that acronyms are abbreviations.
This allows the use of the HTML technique for <abbr> to be used for both
acronyms and abbreviations.  XHTML2 is removing the acronym element in
favor of just abbr [3].

You can only use the HTML technique for <abbr> for both
acronyms and abbreviations if you define abbr to mean "abbreviated form",
as I proposed in my comments on XHTML 2 (if the HTML WG insists on
removing <acronym>) [4].




Christophe Strobbe

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Departement of Electrical Engineering - Research Group on 
Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 - 3001 Leuven-Heverlee - BELGIUM
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Thursday, 15 September 2005 19:01:59 UTC