Re: (techs) Test 16

> If this were to "pass the test" then the
>"<title>OAC Testfile - Check #16 - Negative</title>"
> should probably be
> "<title>OAC Testfile - Check #16 - Positive</title>"

Test files that contain the accessibility problem are labeled "positive". 
That is, they test positive for the problem. Test files that are labeled 
"negative" do not contain the problem.

I think of it like a blood test. You want your blood to test negative for 
Hepatitis - the virus is not in your blood. You want your HTML files to test 
negative for accessibility problems - they are not there.

> Can you have a plain 'a' element as is shown in this example?
> "<p><a><img src="star.gif" alt="" />dogs</a></p>".
Yes, this is valid XHTML 1.0 strict.

We're trying to keep the test files short and to the point.


Received on Monday, 15 August 2005 19:07:59 UTC