Re: Balancing the myth-busting.

On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 07:48:12PM +0100, Gez Lemon wrote:

> I'm not talking about carefully written scripts. I'm talking about
> scripts that insert invalid elements and attributes deliberately to
> fool validators. These scripts aren't uncommon.

And if the validator is updated to detect them, then they are just
going to find away around it. Its like the quest to defeat
popups. Browsers start blocking popups onload, sites start adding
popups to onclick events everywhere in a document (Sitepoint being a
case in point).

Trying to stay ahead of people who want an invalid document that
validates is pointless. 

> > scripts which alter the DOM may take user input

> Which is why I mentioned when the document is loaded.

Users can input data (e.g. cookies, query string) before the document
is loaded.

> > It would be better to educate them then to try to stay ahead of
> > their hacks.

> So we agree there's a problem. The only difference is that I would
> like to see the problem addressed.

No, we would both like to see the problem addressed, just by different
ways. You appear to think that technology can solve the problem of
users not understanding what the tools they use are for, I think that
education is the only sensible way.

> > No, users of it need to understand what it does and what the results
> > actually mean.
> And that can only be done through education; the article on Juicy
> Studio is a start, as it will at least raise awareness of the problem.

That statement contradicts the rest of your claims.

David Dorward                            

Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2005 18:59:27 UTC