RE: Proposed omission of explicit baseline in WCAG 2

Kerstin wrote:

[snip Kerstin's reply to Joe's remark that we should require CSS instead of
JS for dropdown navigation menus] 
> I am anti-banning altogether.  I know that goes against a lot of what 
> is being discussed with baseline, but banning is just setting a bad 
> precedent, and I think it will completely undermine the validity, 
> usefulness and therefore adoption and support, of WCAG 2.0.  

I fully agree with Kerstin. It's just like the discussion about allowing
layout tables. Since there are no accessibility problems with layout tables
(provided they are marked up correctly) it's not our job to ban them. Do I
think layout tables are the way to go? No! Do I think it's the WCAG WG task
to ban them? No! 
We've got quite enough work as it is if we limit ourselves to accessibility
problems. Let's not put best practices of webdesign on our plate as well.
Yvette Hoitink
Heritas, Enschede, the Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 13:46:22 UTC