Fwd: Are you still interested in tests of TabIndex?

This is from the tabindex test page I wrote a few years ago. Anyone  
interested in actively collecting the results?


------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Ing. Alberto Lepe G." <lepe@alepe.com>
Cc:Subject: Are you still interested in tests of TabIndex?
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:51:32 +1100

I just wanted to tell you that I found out that tabindex doesn´t work
properly if you mix them with links.
I tested in Mozilla and IE (for windows). I will test them on linux later.
I had a form to the left with many fields (on a table td) and text to
the right with links (on other td) .
Even I put tabindex in each link and fields, so doesn´t jump to the
links when filling the form.
looking to your test page, I figured out that was better to take out all
those tabindex and just putting them
to the links. So it goes first to those that doesn´t have tabindex and
then with those that have it.
It works!

Alberto Lepe.

Charles McCathieNevile                      Fundacion Sidar
charles@sidar.org   +61 409 134 136    http://www.sidar.org

Received on Monday, 21 March 2005 04:08:20 UTC