WCAG 2 comments - Sign language and simple language

I have just forwarded, on behalf of some german Deaf folks, a fairly
substantial email to public-comments-wcag20 which discusses the use of
simple language and sign language on teh web, and has some concrete
proposals as well as a very thorough background explanation, links to
implementations of the things they are proposing, etc.

It has been archived at
and I am Bcc'ing the authors, who as I understand it don't read this list
directly as they work in German.

For what it is worth I did read the message and think that it makes basic 
sense. In particular it actually deals with the issue of speaking a
different language, and of having a disability, in a way that may help to
clarify how one can rationally treat the question.



Charles McCathieNevile           charles@sidar.org

Received on Friday, 7 January 2005 04:33:36 UTC