Re: ALT and TITLE Clarification

> Currently, the use of Alt text depends upon the element's context. For
> example, an image on its own requires Alt text that describes the image.

Replaces, in fact.

> If the same image is used as a link, the Alt text describes the link 
> destination.

No, just the image; alt="" is part if <img>, not <a>.

> If the same image is used as a submit button, the Alt text describes the 
> form's purpose.

The purpose of the entire form? I rather think not.

<input> can take alt text (with precisely the same sense as for <img>):

<button> cannot. However, its content can be its text.

> 1) The TITLE attribute of the AREA, INPUT (with type of "image") and A
> (anchor) elements be used to describe the element's purpose or function.

*May* be used for such purpose.

> 2) The ALT attribute be used always as a short description of the image.

Replacement for.

> The use of ALT and TITLE attributes for these purposes is within the UAAG
> and HTML4 specifications.

It's a limitation of the use of title="", which is specified as the rather 
more general "This attribute offers advisory information about the element 
for which it is set" 

> P.S. I realize the WCAG2 is getting close to release and don't want to slow
> things down.

You're kidding yourself if you think WCAG2 is even remotely suitable for 
release. Something this small is barely worth talking about on the long 
list of known deficiencies.


     Joe Clark |
     Accessibility <>
     Expect criticism if you top-post

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 2004 21:09:14 UTC