Guideline 1.1 Benefit

Yesterday, I took an action item for guideline 1.1 to propose a benefit for
deaf users. The benefit of text alternatives for audio information for deaf
users is that it can potentially be transformed into sign language with
some yet to be developed signing avatar assistive technology.

There is already a benefit of this type under this guideline.

 People who are deaf, are hard of hearing, or who are having trouble
 understanding audio information for any reason can read the text
 presentation or have it translated and presented as sign language by
 assistive technology.

Is this sufficient or do we need to re-write this benefit to use the term
"signing avatar"?

IBM Accessibility Center
(512) 838-9903,
Internal Tie Line 678-9903,

Received on Friday, 10 December 2004 17:29:06 UTC