Re: G 2.1 and L3SC1 are no different?

> > Content authors do sometimes introduce accessibility problems for
> > users. For example, removing focus from link elements because they don't
> > like the dotted lines around links phrase when it has focus.
> a:link:visited {border: none; text-decoration: none}

I meant the dotted lines that appear around link phrases when they have
focus. As far as I'm aware, this can't be removed with CSS, so content
authors who don't like the dotted lines (or maybe don't like keyboard
users?) get rid of it with JavaScript. In principle, I agree with your
original statement that content authors shouldn't be held accountable for
shortcomings in user agents, but content authors do sometimes introduce
accessibility problems such as removing focus from elements, using onchange
in a way that someone using a keyboard cannot use, etc.

Best regards,

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IWA/HWG Member

Received on Thursday, 11 November 2004 00:09:52 UTC